Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Too or Two? Doesn't Matter.

So, I drop my son off every morning at my mother-in-laws. Getting goodbye hugs has been a regular thing lately. Getting an "I love you, daddy" isn't always the easiest.

This morning, as I was getting him out of the car seat to go in the house, I said, "Love you, buddy."

No response.

"Love you, too, daddy," I said, trying to encourage a response (I couldn't help it).

What I got was unexpected -- and funny.

"Love you one, daddy."

I'll take it.

What else? I got nothin'.

1 comment:

Anna Sawin said...

SO funny. They can be so literal, huh?

When I tell Will that I love him he just says, "fank you, mommy."