Monday, September 04, 2006

What It Means to Be Two

My son is two -- which means he's very good at trying my patience (as well as his mom's).

My son is two -- which means he gives the best hugs in the world.

My son is two -- which means he sometimes will put his feet on the dinner table (even when he knows he shouldn't).

My son is two -- which means if watching him eat an ear of corn won't make your day, I'm not sure what will.

My son is two -- which means bath time isn't always the easiest time of day.

My son is two -- which means there is no better smile when he comes out of the tub and is bundled in a towel in his mom's lap.

My son is two -- which means he rarely uses his 'quiet' voice in quiet places.

My son is two -- which means hearing him say "choo choo train" will melt you.

My son is two -- which means he doesn't always understand that you can throw balls outside, but you can't throw them inside.

My son is two -- which means I love him more than I ever thought possible.


debra ann said...

what wonderful writing!! you must be a great dad!

Anonymous said...

Regarding the corn--I'm completely with you on watching the two-year-old eat corn.

( I also love when my two-year-old forgets that you don't eat the banana PEEL--he takes a test bite, then reminds himself, "No peel!" Which is a step up from when he used to call it the wrapper.)

But back to the corn: while I love watching Will eat it, I cringe a little inside, wondering, "Is it really fair to give him corn when he can't partake in one of the true joys of eating corn on the cob: the post-cob FLOSS!?"