Thursday, May 24, 2007

Quick Rant

Well, I have a meeting in 10 minutes and I'm still fuming from a phone call I had earlier today. So, this benefits you.

You haven't seen me for a while, but for the next 10 minutes, I'm all yours.

So, shopping the other day...and I love orange juice. Coffee, bad. Orange juice, good. But, as you know, I think us juice drinkers are getting the shaft. Remember when it was a good deal if orange juice was two for four bucks? That wasn't too long ago, right? Well, now, it's two for six bucks!! Are you kidding me? Forget about gas prices, I'm more concerned about the price of my Tropicana than I am of my Mobil.

You know what? I've gotta do something else right now. So this is over right now.

Ugh. I'm having one of those weeks. Not days. Weeks.

What else? I got nothin'.


Anonymous said...

Boy, I'm sorry I missed your message this morning!

And sorry about the orange juice, really.


Stormy said...

I'm with ya totally on the "coffee bad, juice good" thing.

How's the price of cranberry juice?