Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Joey, Justin and Lance Would be Pleased...

...to know that you, the readers of I Got Nothin', have voted N'Sync as your favorite boy band of all time, edging out the Backstreet Boys and New Kids on the Block. I'm sorry to say that nobody cast a vote for LFO. Shocking.

So, I have no idea what questions are going to come up on this poll, but for today's edition, we're going back to one of TV's alltime greatest shows.

That's right. I could only be talking about Beverly Hills, 90210.

Admit it. The theme song is going in your head right now.

What else? I got nothin'.


Anonymous said...

Kelly. The drugs! The fire! Brandon, Dylan, Brandon, Dylan! Who do I love? I can't decide!

Anonymous said...

My top two episodes are as follows:
1. Brenda finds out that Dylan & Kelly have been sleeping together and then they take "the walk" and she screams, "I hate you both, don't ever speak to me again!"
2. Donna is dating Ray Pruit (of the famed The Heights - really, how does one talk to an angel??) and Ray pushes her down the stairs. Very dramatic. Very moving. Very HI-larious.

Anyway, it's all about Dylan McKay. The brooding...the scar...ah, Dylan... and his dad is not so bad looking either (even after he died!)

John said...

believe it or not i'm walking on air

i never thought i could feel so re-he-heal.

Flying away on a wing and a prayer

Who could it be

Believe it or not it's just me.

Anonymous said...

As soon as you said that.. I was humming the song out loud... LOVE LOVE LOVE that show...

Anonymous said...

Dylan baby...It was and always will be DYLAN .... god...just one ride on the bike... one roll around in the hotel bed.... and everything would be A-OK