Thursday, January 18, 2007

What's In a Name?

I listen to just about anything. Always have. Probably always will. Heck, I even listen to (some) country now. Thanks to the amazing Jennifer Nettles.

I'll be the parent in 15 years bringing one of my kids to a concert. You know the parent. The one that's rocking out and singing all the songs -- making their kid(s) feel like a dope. Yup, that'll be me. Particularly if Bon Jovi is still touring in 15 years.

Anyway, the iPod is perhaps the greatest invention in, oh, I don't know -- ever.

And with it comes my addiction to iTunes.

I've listened to some strange music in my day. Being a college DJ will do that to you. I used to (well, OK, maybe I still do) love bands called Nikki Meets the Hibachi, Scruffy the Cat, The Beat Farmers, Webb Wilder and the Lightning Seeds.

Well, to me, good music is good music. And that's all I want to listen to -- good music.

The group name really doesn't matter. Afterall, consider the names of groups I've recently downloaded: Hinder, The Fray, Snow Patrol, Augustana and, perhaps my new favorite, Death Cab for Cutie.

I'm not even sure what that means. But I love the music. So I'm in.

He's got a pretty normal name, but Mat Kearney is also a new favorite. Of course, he's just got one t in Mat, so I guess he isn't all that normal.

So, what's hot on your iPod? Any strange band names that you love?

What else? I got nothin'.


Anonymous said...

You be me for awhile....and I'll be you...YEH!

You Dirty Rat by Scruffy the Cat

You're tuned to the master of disaster. The mover and shaker.

John Campbell on New Rock 88 point 1. FM....

I think I still have this on the reel to reel I had back in 1990! Remember that promo you did for me?

Anonymous said...

Country Dick Montana

Well....When the dust settles, and all's said and done.

One fact shall remain crystal clear.

And it's that I....should've been the lead singer for.....

Led Zeppelin.

Anonymous said...

I'm gonna rock down to ELECTRIC AVENUE....And then I'll Take you Higher.


Good God we gonna....
=====(i'm hoping you remember this reference from our past)

Also, if you want to laugh out loud, 1994' in the country by the farmers boys....I think you'll LIKE IT!

Stormy said...

I don't have many weird items in the iPod, but not that mainstream either.

Lots of obscure & popular singles from the 80's & 90's, but mainly every hairband album you can think of.

A recent discovery is a song called "Punkrocker" by the Teddybears. You may have heard it on a Cadiallac commercial.

I also have They Fray & Snow Patrol on there. :)