Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Two Weeks Until the Baby Arrives...


Well, a week has passed since we last spent time together.

Obviously, you can tell my the name of the post, Baby #2 hasn't arrived.

Thanks for those of you that 'voted' in the "What if it's a girl" election. Erin was the overwhelming favorite here, but I'm still not sure we know.

Our son Aidan is convinced he's having a sister. And, he doesn't like Erin or Maggie.

"Do you think you're going to have a little sister or brother, Aidan?"

"Girl, Daddy."

"Do you like the name Erin?"

"Silly name, Daddy."

"Like what?"

"Like window, Daddy. Or pancake."

Well, I suppose, if it's a girl, that we could call her Winnie.

Aidan has also declared that he's only going to share his toys with a sister -- including his prized tow truck and fire trucks.

"But, buddy, what if it's a boy, won't you share your toys with him?"

"No, Daddy."

Ok, then.

Some other random baby things:

We bought new booster seats for Aidan. They go in tomorrow night, along with the new baby's seat bases. Exciting, eh?

Still haven't packed any bags. Heck, we're only five minutes from the hospital.

Everyone asks about my wife. Nobody asks about me. I'm not complaining at all. I'm just sayin'.

Aidan was born the day before Mother's Day. My wife's first Mother's Day was in the hospital. I wonder if we'll wrap this one around Father's Day.

I'm still surprisingly calm over all of this.

I'm guessing boy. Aidan is demanding a girl. My wife has no feeling one way or another.

We were together when contractions started the first time. I wonder where we'll be this time. Will we be together? Will I be at work? Will we be in church? Will we be asleep?

Alright, I guess that's it.

What else? I got nothin'.


Anonymous said...

Mike, I have to are YOU?

Anonymous said...

I was wondering the same thing--how are you doing, Mike?

I'm guessing it's going to be a Liam, and I'm betting on June 11--Henry's birthday. Renee will call you when you are at work, and you'll wonder if you have time to stop and get something to eat and if the camera batteries are charged.

Probably no in both cases.

Anonymous said...

Are we placing bets now? My guess is June 14. Flag Day. A patriotic baby!

Anonymous said...

hmm... yes are you doing? ha ha

I am going to say June 16th ... ending up in the hospital into Father's Day.. I know ...VERY sappy..but I have a feeling

and I am with Aidan on this one... a girl... and Erin go Pancake could be a nice name..:)