Wednesday, August 29, 2007

On the Move

Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end.

That's from Closing Time, I think. Am having lyrical brain malfunctions, but I'm pretty sure that's it.

Regardless, there is a new beginning in my blogging life -- at WordPress.

So, if you would, join me here.

This is the 100th post to this blog in just over a year. The timing seems right to make a change.

And, who knows, perhaps bigger and better things will come from this.

Thanks for being here so far. It's been fun. And I hope it continues.

So, update your bookmarks, your blog rolls and join me at the new I Got Nothin'.


John said...

thats right - closing time - was the closing song for melrose place.

i hear you on the lyrical brain malfunctions...i have them sometimes too.

i'll have to follow you just because got me on here so now....i'll just have to follow suit.


Anonymous said...

I just found your BLOG through Clink's (and I'm glad I did!). I will definitely check out your new place!

Anonymous said...

You have really great taste on catch article titles, even when you are not interested in this topic you push to read it