Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Sit Down and Be Proud

So, here I am, writing my 99th post. Who knew I'd make it this far. Certainly not me.

Also, I sort of promised myself that I wouldn't entertain bathroom posts, particularly about my own actions, until at least the 101st post.

Well, screw that. We're throwing caution to the wind. I'm writing about it now. Number 99.

Yup, this is me. Living on the edge.

OK, so, the thing is. I'm a guy. This you know. You also know I wouldn't always fit into the category of 'typical guy.' Particularly when it comes to one of my bathroom habits.

I can admit it. I really can. Here goes. Ready?

Hi, I'm Mike. And I'm a SometimesSitter.

Phew. I don't know how you feel, but I'm feeling much better with that off my chest.

A SometimesSitter.

So what does that mean, actually?

It means that whenever I go the bathroom, of the number one variety, I'm not always standing over the toilet.

Sometimes I sit.

Why? I'm not really sure, but, I do.

And, you know what? I like it.

Let's look at a couple of examples.

I always sit at work. It's the easiest, cleanest and most convenient. I work in an office with mostly women. This way, I don't sprinkle anywhere, I don't have to worry about putting the seat down. None of that. Just sit down, take a nice little rest and that's it.

There's only one other guy in the office, so if the women find any leftovers or if the seat is still up, guess what? It's him. Not me. I take some comfort in that.

In other public spots, I'll choose not to be a SometimesSitter. It sort of depends on where and the overall cleanliness situation. But, that's the benefit of this. I can choose when and where I want to be a SometimesSitter.

I'm almost always a SometimesSitter when I wake up in the morning. As I trudge down the hall to go, I'm too asleep to concentrate on aim and all that stuff. Just sit down and go. What's the big deal?

Being a SometimesSitter is nothing to be ashamed of. This I know. In fact, I might be ahead of the curve on this one.

So, if there are, in fact, any guys reading this blog, how about it? Are you a SometimesSitter?

It's OK. In fact, it's more than OK.

So stand up, er, sit down and be proud.

What else? I got nothin'.


Anonymous said...

Guys have it so easy. In most situations women are a NoWayAmISittingThere Sitter. We have to squat, which can be difficult depending on what outfit/footwear you're wearing that day. I envy you, SometimesSitter.

PS- Thanks for not leaving a mess and for putting the seat down. We appreciate it.

Clink said...

Ha! I agree with Molly - I am usually a NoWayAmISittingThere Sitter.

Also, I had no idea men sat. I don't even want to think about the logistics of it, but I'm glad you're being mindful of the lovely ladies you work with.

Anonymous said...

We SO appreciate it. I'm trying to train my three-year-old son to be a sometimesitter, but he is too taken with the whole "pull 'em down and whip it out" thing that he can't even entertain the notion.

And believe me, the cleaning crew in his bathroom would appreciate a sometimesitter.

Stormy said...

I usually always sit in the morning, as I'm too tired to stand.

Other than that, I'm pretty much always standing.

Anonymous said...


I thoroughly enjoy both of your blogs. If you must squat, please clean up after yourself. This almost-never-squatter doesn't enjoy sitting in your piss.

Once upon a time, I worked in a 20 person office. None of us 5 girls squatted. The place was pristine-clean, so there was no need. Well, I guess our contracted marketing girl thought we were all skanks, because she would come in and squat instead of sitting in a perfectly clean bathroom. Of course, she was not a talented or kind squatter, so she ended up spraying piss all over the seat. Forcing us sitters to be squatters for the rest of the day.

That's why I named her the Hovercraft- a name she still carries in that office.

John said...


Sit in the place where you pee
Point it SOUTH
And think about the girls
who have to follow right after you

If you get confused,
just check with your son.
Listen to his reason
When you have that calling

Sit in the place where you poop
Then go pee.

John said...

Sit down
Drop trou
You're busted

kinda like shake down by bob seger - but a little different.

John said...

you better sit down
if you need to pee

all the girls they're countin'
on you

You sit down when you pee
there aint no-shame-in-that

Woo hoo hoo

come on and pee
Between your knees

(For you Grease Fans)

John said...

Santana (I'm winnin')

I'm Sittin
I'm sittin
I'm si-hi-ttin

John said...

I'm a sitter
I'm a pee-er
when i'm pee-in'
I'm a sitter

I sit down so i don't have to stand

(Steve Miller Band - I'm a Joker)

John said...

Missing Persons

So what are seats for
Cuz no one's sittin anymore
there's no use sittin at all.

John said...

I wonder how you're peein'
I'm peein sittin down
When others choose to stand
and maaaake a mess

Peter Frampton 2'Fer (see below 2)

Oooooo - baby i love to sit
- when i pee

Wanna sit when I pee all day
- every day

John said...

Bon Jovi

Pee in the dark
and I sit down

dahlin' you give sittin and peein' a bad name

John said...

Billy Joel - Go to extremes

John said...

Billy Joel - Extremes

Sometimes i'm tired
Sometimes I'm shot
I don't want to deal with
Pee-in' staning up

Maybe i'm just finding
my latest thrill

Maybe i've set others up for the chills

Maybe I'll try standing up....

Darlin' i dont' know why i pee sitting down

when i stand up i just seem to wear a frown

and if i pee, on the seat
The girls they will know it was me

Darlin i don't know why i pee sitting down

John said...

Pee good pee good pee good

pee good pee good pee good

pee good pee good pee good

pee good miiiiiiiikey

John said...

How can I sleep if you pee while sitting.

The time has come, to say fairs fair

To lift the seat and to be a man!

Midnite oil

John said...

While I'm sitting
Feels so lovely

While I sit
Makes me high

John Denver

John said...

Eddie Money - Walk on water

Well if i could pee while sitting
Just think of all i could do
If i could pee while sitting
would you....respect me too
My love is so true.

John said...

Queen of Hearts - Juice Newton

Peeing While Sitting Down
Turns any frown upside Down

Standers are the only foooooools
always peein' on the seat for you.

John said...

Ok - I think i got it outta me....but, with me...u never know.

Anonymous said...

WOWOWOWOW. JC, I knew you were creative, but WOW.

Loving the Joker, esp. Oh, and Santana.

Anonymous said...

all the SometimesSitter power to you Mike. Be careful though...sometimes a good hover is necessary in the NoWayAmISittingThere situations that Molly referred to. But that is what is nice about you SometimesSitters...you have the options. Who doesn't want more options?!

Anonymous said...

Oh. My. God. I was drinking beer when I read your post... And dude, let's just say, I sprinkled.

