Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Empyting Out a Cluttered Mind...

Did you vote yet? What are you waiting for!

My son is 2 and 1/2. He said today that he doesn't know what he wants to be when he grows up. That's OK, I told him. Daddy doesn't either. I'm 37.

Had a vanilla shake today. Only problem was, it tasted like chocolate. It's like getting french fries that taste like onion rings. Hate that.

I think I'm addicted to eBay. I'm buying Thomas the Tank stuff for my son. Stuff I can't wait to play with! Everything I'm buying is brand new. And I haven't paid anything near regular retail price.

Kirstie Alley in a bikini? I'm sorry. No interest in that.

Cindy Margolis not in a bikini? Much interest in that.

Why aren't you watching Brothers & Sisters?

90210 and Melrose Place are out today. To those of you buying me Christmas presents -- hint, hint.

Why don't they paint lines on the street at night, as opposed to 7:30 this morning in the middle of the morning rush?

What else? I got nothin'.


Stormy said...

DiMauro called. He wants his title back.

If you want to keep it, just hide it at New London HS. It'll be safe there. :)

Anonymous said...

Brothers & Sisters...GREAT show...Have about 4 episodes on Tivo that I have to watch now that I am back from my honeymoon..:)