Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Emptying the Vault

Loyal and faithful readers, fear not. I am back. It's been one of those weeks. Have had too much stuff going on to come and give you the service you deserve.

And here I thought you didn't care -- or didn't notice. But, alas, you did. Two of you (my entire readership?) actually told me they checked in and were disappointed not to find any new thoughts.

Well, wait no longer.

Here are a few thoughts/comments of the random variety:

I failed parenthood again. My son's nursery school wants his name on everything. Fine, I can do that. I made a nifty little name tag for his backpack. But, when it came time to writing his name in his jacket, well, I guess I didn't think that the sharpie I was using would bleed through. Yeah, it did. He looked damn cute in that jacket, too. The bright spot? A hand-me-down, so we didn't pay for it.

My best friend just had his fourth girl last night (well, actually, his wife did, but you get the point). Four kids. All girls. God bless 'em. I told him not too worry, wedding receptions in American Legion halls can be lots of fun.

No, I haven't watched LOST yet. The beauty of TiVo. My top shows right now: Amazing Race, Dancing with the Stars, How I Met Your Mother, The Class, Brothers & Sisters (I know!) and Six Degrees.

OK, so how important is it that a 2-year-old be dressed up for Halloween? We're not making any progress at all on the costume front. Not good.

I'm going to be on the Montel Williams Show. Yup. It's true. Not for a paternity test or anything though. Something work related. Show tapes tomorrow. Probably airs 10/18 or 10/25.

My grandmother turns 100 this weekend. Wow. She got a letter from the President congratulating her. That might be the best thing Bush has done in eight years.

My birthday (hint, hint) is only a couple of weeks away. Hint, it's the day after Halloween. The numbers keep getting higher.

I think that's it for now. I'll be better about regular posts. Really, I will.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness you are back. I did miss you and your random thoughts and blurbs. I can now start my weekend on a great note!