Monday, October 16, 2006

Monday's Random Thoughts

Welcome to the big show. It's Monday. Not sure what that means for me.

But, what it means for you is a few random thoughts. I guess what it means for me, then, is that I can't put a few hundred words together about one topic. So, here we go:

Venison anyone? Yup, we could be serving that this week at the homestead. Nope, didn't hit a deer (have already done that). But, someone else might have. Otherwise, how could I explain the dead deer in the side of my yard. Discovered it Saturday morning while taking a break from gutter cleaning (ah, the joys). Could have been there a week for all we know. And hopefully it won't be there much longer. Public Works is supposed to take it away.

Happy Birthday, Gramma. My Gramma turned 100 this weekend. That's right. One hundred. Wow. There was a party for her yesterday. Among the cards and assorted well wishes she got was one from Pennsylvania Avenue. Yes, faithful readers, your tax dollars at work. Let the White House know you've got a special event coming and George W will take the time out of his hectic schedule to send your gramma a card.

I love to chew gum. But, here's the thing. I can't chew one piece. Has to be two. Every time. And, right now, it has to be Orbit Citrusmint. Or Bubblemint.

The weekend is also used to catch up on TiVo shows. Here's a brief synopsis. LOST is fantastic this year. Of the new stuff, totally digging Brothers and Sisters. And I thought my family put the fun in dysfunctional. Wow.

Oh, speaking of TV. Since it's Monday, that means tonight is The Class and How I Met Your Mother. It also means I am completely unavailable between 8 and 9 p.m. Heck, it's like when 90210 used to be on. Wait, was that out loud? Hate it when that happens.

Here's a left over from Friday. I'm playing with my son and start to say the alphabet. I get to C and then ask, "What's next?" I'm sitting there thinking, ok, I'll get D, maybe an E, F, too. What does he do? Nothing except go through the rest of it. Talk about wow moments. That was pretty cool.

Saw a girl I went to high school with Friday night. We started talking about the usual stuff. Who is where and married to who and how many kids. Then we started talking about our next reunion. Yup, 20th. Gulp. Where does it go? Or, where did it go?

What else?

I got nothin'.

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