Wednesday, August 01, 2007

That's What I Like About....Me

Well, I've been tagged again. Molly did it. Only this time she wants me to write about 10 things I like about myself. Hmmm. Interesting.

Ok, let's see what we can come up with here -- in no particular order:

1. I'm a great dad. Honestly, better than I thought I'd be. I've got work to do, but for a guy who didn't want anything to do with kids, I think I'm doing pretty well. I'm not nearly as good as the mother of my children (who happens to be my wife!), but I'm trying hard. I really am. I can, and someday I will, spend post after post on how cool it is to be a dad.

2. I'm a great husband. Just ask Renee. She'll tell you! Or at least I hope she will. We're celebrating 13 years next week. That just blows me away. It really does. The key? We were friends first. Great friends. And, you know what? We still are.

3. I'm a good son. Ask my mom for her feelings, but I think she'd agree. At least I hope she would! Yeah, she would. Right?! Never caused my parents any trouble -- or at least none that they let on about. They raised me in such away that I strived to succeed by not disappointing them. And I don't mean that in any negative way. Basically, if I worked to my capacity, they would never be disappointed, regardless of the result. I hope I can instill that into my kids.

4. I'm a good writer. Well, you're here, aren't you? Got the writing gene from my mom and couldn't be happier about it. I believe in the thank you note, a well-written letter, and I'll spend an hour working on the same paragraph, just to make sure I said it in the best possible way. This paragraph alone took two hours. :)

5. I'm good at my job. I'm a publicist. I'm a news junky, which helps in the job because I understand what the media thinks is and isn't important. I've gotten great results wherever I've been, and I'm in a great position now, despite all the griping I do. It really is a good gig.

6. I'm a great friend. I've never been one to have a large circle of friends. I prefer a smaller tight-knit style group. And I've got that. Amazing friends. And, I believe they would say the same about me. I can't say it any simpler than it's about being there for each other. For anything. Plain and simple. No questions asked. My friends do that for me. I do it for them.

7. I'm funny. Well, I try to be. Not laugh-out-loud funny. More subtle, dry wit funny. I seem to be able to make people laugh and smile -- so I'm going with it.

8. I'm involved. Probably too much, but, oh well. I'm getting ready to plan my 20th high school reunion. I'm on the school board of my Catholic elementary school. I'm the head of my church's Parish Council. And I'm sure there's one or two more that I can't think of. Basically, it's about giving back. I've taken a it's time to give back. And that's what I try to do.

9. I'm a sensitive sap. I can't help it. I just am.

10. I've got a great ass. I mean, come on, have you seen it?! :)

There you have it. Ten, er, nine and a half things I like about myself!

Thanks for listening.


John said...

You should like things about yourself because, you're with yourself forever partner.

Cheers.....time to go back to the j-o-b

John said...

What I like about you, you hold me tight
Tell me I'm the only one, wanna come over tonight, yeah

You're whispering in my ear
Tell me all the things that I wanna to hear, 'cause that's true
That's what I like about you

What I like about you, you really know how to dance
When you go up, down, jump around, think about true romance, yeah

You're whispering in my ear
Tell me all the things that I wanna to hear, 'cause that's

Anonymous said...

I KNEW you'd write about your butt. Jeesh, it's all you talk about.

kwarterlifecrisis said...

Is it inappropriate that I want to see a picture of your butt now? Yes, I think it is.

John said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Clink said...

11. You're an awesome commenter.

(Me? Not so much. But I'm trying! I'm here! Look! Commenting! And loving your writing!)

Anonymous said...

okay, how am I supposed to do MY list now?


Anonymous said...


I have a question and a comment.

Do I still fall into #6?

As for the comment, I am sure your mom still likes me better.

John B.

Anonymous said...

Checking this blog thing out and what do I find? A colleague writing about his butt- Jeesh!

At least it made me smile... So going to work tomorrow and not thinking about it.

Wonder if you can really BACK that up?